Child Care & Schools

Supporting children’s health

Families have tremendous influence on the health of their children, but children are also cared for by other adults in their community. Child care and school environments often determine what items children are offered to eat and drink outside the home, as well as how much time they have for physical activity. We work on child care and school policy strategies that can support families in raising healthy children.

Get started with the tools we've highlighted below, and learn more about all of our areas of work.

Youth playing basketball outside
Creating School Policies to Promote Student Health
Policy plays a vital role in shaping school environments, which in turn affect students’ educational and health outcomes. Our resources can help educators and policymakers design and implement school policies that promote student connection.
Children in a classroom writing on paper
School Discipline Practices
Exclusionary school discipline practices are disproportionately enforced against students of color. These practices can have long-term health consequences for those affected.
Marketing Matters
Marketing Matters
Companies market to kids all the time. Often, they’re pushing junk food, sugary drinks, tobacco, and other unhealthy products. Our tools can help local governments protect kids.
School Environment
Healthy Schools
Episode 5 of the Building Healthy, Equitable Communities Series explores school policies and practices that promote nurturing, healthy learning environments for all. This episode includes a blog post, webinar, and more.

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