Our Work

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ChangeLab Solutions shares resources, provides innovative legal approaches, and offers practical policy tools and technical assistance to communities and governments that are looking to reduce health disparities through law and policy change. We can help you achieve your health equity goals so that everyone in your community can achieve their full health potential. To learn more about our core strategies, strategic activities, and organizational goals, explore our Strategic Framework.

Our Services

  • Research & analysis: Policy analysis and legal research to answer critical questions about financing, enforcement, and impact
  • Policy & strategy development: Tailored development of model policies and laws; guidance in forming, improving, and assessing strategies for change
  • Training & capacity building: In-person training sessions or online webinar series for legal and non-legal audiences on public health law, policy development (from identifying your policy needs and building support to implementing and evaluating a recently adopted policy), or specific policy issues
  • Individualized coaching: Guidance on some or all of the policy process
  • Communities of practice: Convening and facilitation of working groups, multidisciplinary collaborations, or community stakeholders to discuss an issue or work toward a common goal
  • Product development: Development of visually engaging, user-friendly guides, fact sheets, infographics, and other resources that advance new ideas and translate complex legal and policy concepts into actionable solutions

WHY WE DO THIS WORK: Health Equity

At ChangeLab Solutions, we believe that the most powerful risk factors in health are laws and policies that have perpetuated racism, discrimination, and segregation throughout our nation’s history. Using the tools of law and policy, we can undo the fundamental drivers of inequity and thereby increase health equity.

WHAT WE BRING: Expertise & Evidence

We share our knowledge of what is effective for advancing health-promoting policies. Our diverse team works across sectors and disciplines, bringing legal, policy, and planning expertise to inform our work. Our solutions in service of health and equity are grounded in evidence, legal precedent, and community-led change efforts. And our free online library offers legally sound policies with a proven track record of implementation. 

HOW WE WORK: Collaboration & Partnership

We believe that complex problems are best solved through partnerships across multiple disciplines and sectors in order to maximize collective resources, apply mutual learning, and align actions to advance health equity.​ To help communities improve their health, we provide individualized services that complement and leverage community knowledge and strengths.

WHAT WE OFFER: Legal Know-How + Strategies That Make Policies Work

Our interdisciplinary team can create custom legal or policy research, analyses, case studies, or products tailored to your issue or community. Our trainings help communities build knowledge and skills to effect change, even after the trainings are over.

Download a 2-page brochure outlining the services and resources we offer.

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