Safe Routes to School

Promoting walking & biking to improve student health

Safe Routes to School (SRTS), a movement that promotes safety and other improvements to increase walking and biking to school, is an effort that community members, schools, school districts, policymakers, and local governments can all support.

Safely walking, rolling, or biking to and from school has many social, economic, and health benefits for students, their families, and the broader community. When children use active transportation to get to school, they increase their levels of physical activity and decrease their likelihood of having obesity, diabetes, and other chronic health conditions. Daily exercise also improves their mental health, strengthens social connections, and ensures that students arrive at school ready to learn. And forming healthy habits — such as exercise — at a young age also promotes healthy living as an adult.

The routes that people take to school are often the same routes that are used to reach other destinations like workplaces, businesses, social services, and parks, so improving the condition of streets near schools can have a widespread impact, especially when such investments are made in communities that have experienced inequities or marginalization.

Our SRTS resources help communities embed strategies that support safe, active transportation to school in their local programs, policies, and plans.

Safe Routes to Schools Factsheet
Strategies for Safe Routes to School
Our fact sheet and infographic describe strategies that individual schools, school districts, and local and regional governments can use to support walking and biking to school.
Children and adults in a school crosswalk
Safe Routes for Rural Schools
This fact sheet provides SRTS program and policy strategies for rural communities.
Parents and small children walking together
Incorporating Safe Routes to School into Local School Wellness Policies
We provide sample language for including SRTS in school wellness policies.
Children walking on a field trip
Model General Plan Language Supporting Safe Routes to Schools
Our model policy offers guidance on incorporating SRTS in the elements of a general plan.

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