Jami Crespo, JD, MPA

Jami's work as a senior attorney at ChangeLab Solutions combines public health, law, policy, and systems change, focusing on the role of health departments and community members in advancing health equity.
Prior to joining ChangeLab Solutions, Jami spent eight years in local public health as a policy analyst with Public Health Madison & Dane County. She worked to improve health and racial equity by analyzing laws and policies and creating system change in the areas of behavioral health, mental and emotional well-being, and infant mortality. She also helped draft legal orders and guidance related to COVID-19 safety. Jami also has experience as a private practice attorney and with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, where she helped develop Medicaid policy on behavioral health. Before graduate school, Jami worked in Washington, DC, for Congressional representatives Howard Berman and Barbara Lee on issues related to health, women, and children.
Jami earned her law and public affairs degrees from the University of Wisconsin and her bachelor’s degree from Washington University in St. Louis.