Don't "Harden" Schools

New proposal will hurt students of color

The White House rolled out its proposal to “harden” schools last week – in response to the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Parkland, FL. In this opinion piece co-authored with Thalia Gonzalez and published in the Huffington Post, senior attorney Alexis Etow and policy analyst Cesar De La Vega argue that this proposal will disproportionately hurt and traumatize vulnerable students.

“Studies indicate that zero-tolerance [discipline] practices funnel children into the school-to-prison pipeline, and especially threaten the civil rights of students of color and students with disabilities.”

Read the full article on the HuffPost website.

March 24, 2018

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As a policy analyst at ChangeLab Solutions, Cesar De La Vega's portfolio includes health equity, schools and child health, healthy housing, and creating active, accessible communities for all.

Alexis Etow is senior staff attorney at ChangeLab Solutions, where she leads the organization’s work at the intersection of education and health.